Build a Tricorder and Win $10 Million


Tech fellowship Qualcomm has offered a generous choice for anyone who fire produce a impermanent version of Asterisk Trek's hand-held medical image scanner.

So, here's the scenario: You and your away team beam down to a potentially violent planet. Ensign Redshirt takes a puff of air of some local flora and promptly collapses. You order your chief medical police officer to examine him, which requires transporting him back to sick bay and running a lengthy, rigorous series of tests while you stand there, twiddling your thumbs. Doesn't sound very glamorous, does it? Make nobelium mistake: This is the future that awaits humanity if no one invents the tricorder, the miracle gadget from Star Trek that can diagnose a patient's vital stats and medical condition just by moving it over him. Thankfully, Qualcomm, a large California-based engineering science company, has bestowed aspiring inventors an inducement to receive moving thereon. Create a literal-life story tricorder, and you can walk off with a cool $10 million. Sounds valid.

The Qualcomm Tricorder X Prize, which launched in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show, aims to bring the technology of the 23rd century into the 21st. While X Value Foundation Peter Diamandis does not believe that creating the tricorder wish make up two-needled – or even necessarily feasible – with today's tech, he thinks a big, challenging idea is the best way to revolutionize the healthcare industry. "It's not a single point solvent," he explains. "The tricorder that was victimised away Spock and Bones inspires a vision of what healthcare leave be like in the future. Information technology will be tune, mobile and minimally- or not-invasive. It Crataegus laevigata usance digital imaging, it may be sequencing your DNA on the spot to tell you if you are allergic to something you just ate."

While much of the engineering science necessary for a tricorder already exists, fashioning it handheld is much easier said than through with (the contest specifies that the tricorder essential weigh five pounds or less). Jeremy Nicholson, the head of the department of surgery and cancer at Imperial College London, highlights some of the difficulties. Helium points out that extant devices that assess patients' intrinsical chemistry, metabolism, and illnesses are the size of lilliputian cars, and not easily mobile. Tied thus, he acknowledges that such a project can be "good fun," and May get people thinking all but the too large picture of advancing healthcare technology.

While a contemporary tricorder is far-fetched, the X Prize Understructure has achieved remarkable results in the past. In 2004, information technology awarded $10 million for SpaceShipOne, the first privately developed manned spacefaring. Between spaceships and tricorders, the X Prize Foundation may remainder up singlehandedly bringing about a 23rd century where Ace Trek is a reality. I wish complete the inventors dead on that point happy chance, merely I'm going to sit this one out. Why? All-fired it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an engineer!

Root: BBC News


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