Easy to Do Simple Spring Fashion Hacks at School

73% of consumers who watch videos of your products on YouTube are more likely to buy from you, according to Style Shoot. Whether you're a fashion brand or a fashion creator who's looking to make it big, posting fashion videos on video-centric platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok will help you reach more than a billion people, give you increased engagement, get you to rank higher on search engines, and help you increase your revenue.

But it's not easy to come up with excellent fashion video ideas that will help you differentiate your channel from the others in the market. That's why we've put together 23 video ideas you can quickly bring to life using InVideo's online video editor.

Here's what's covered in the article:

- Fashion Video ideas for YouTube
- How to make Fashion Videos for YouTube
- Fashion Video ideas for Instagram and TikTok
- How to make Fashion Videos for Instagram and TikTok

Fashion Video ideas for YouTube

Fashion and beauty related content is the most popular content category on YouTube. It, therefore, goes without saying that if you're trying to get your fashion brand on the map, you have to leverage the power of YouTube. The bonus is that if your videos end up doing well, they also start showing up in relevant Google searches, giving your brand even more visibility.

However, to grow on YouTube, you'll need a content strategy and post consistently on the platform to see great results. To help you with that, here are 14 cool fashion video ideas you can use to ensure you'll never run out of content. You can bring these to life using InVideo's YouTube video editor , even if you've never edited a video before.

1. Create a Lookbook

Earlier, lookbooks were used to show a brand's collection and show customers how they should wear products. But ever since video took over, lookbooks have been more about putting together outfits for different occasions as people are looking for inspiration to style their outfits. So, creating a lookbook video for your channel is one of the first fashion video ideas you should try if you want to grow your channel.

For inspiration, check out this lookbook video from popular YouTube creator Best Dressed, aka Ashley. She's relatable, brings out a lot of her personality in the video and talks about her favorite and current fashion trends while styling the outfits. So, apart from giving her viewers fresh summer looks, she's also creating a rapport with them, which helps grow her fan base and followers.

To create a lookbook video, use the InVideo template given below and add the footage of your outfits. Then, add voiceover or text to explain the different pieces you've used to style it. Also, be authentic and highlight your personality while styling  the outfits, so viewers can connect with you and your style.

Use This Template

2. Share a clothing haul video

Clothing hauls are video recordings of people showing and talking about their recently purchased outfits. It's a great way to highlight recent trends and convince people to buy the same pieces as you. So, if you're into affiliate marketing, you should shoot a clothing haul video where you highlight the best features of all the items you've purchased.

To better understand clothing haul videos, check out Charlotte's Mango Vs. Zara haul. She compares different pieces of clothing from both the labels and styles them in an outfit so viewers can see which one is preferable. Since people tend to compare prices, materials, comfort, and looks from different brands, Charlotte's video will be helpful for those looking to shop for the latest looks.

To create a clothing haul video like Charlotte, you can compare brands or show all the pieces you bought and style an outfit with them so viewers know what the piece would look like and the kinds of outfits they can style. Here's an InVideo template you can use to put together pictures or videos of your clothing haul to turn into a compelling video.

Use This Template

3. List out common styling mistakes

People put a lot of thought into their outfits, but sometimes, they make basic styling mistakes that hold them back from pulling off a trendy look. That's why videos on common styling mistakes tend to get a lot of views and engagement, and you should make them a part of your content calendar.

Check out this video from Valeria, where she talks about the most common fashion mistakes people tend to make and how to avoid them. She even puts together different outfits to explain her points clearly. This in-depth explanation encourages more viewers to engage with her content, as they see her as the best person for go-to fashion advice.

To make a video like Valeria, modify the InVideo template given below by adding the relevant text and pictures of outfits as examples. You can also add a voiceover and stock music to the video and end with a CTA to subscribe to your channel.

Use This Template

4. Share styling tips

People are always searching for new tips to create trendy outfits and develop a great personal style they're comfortable with. So, post styling tips that'll help people significantly improve their style to get noticed and grow your follower base.

Here's a video from Bethany you should check out to get an idea on creating styling tips videos. In this video, she lists specific styling tips for those who don't have enough time to get ready and shows simple but elegant outfits anyone can put together with the most basic pieces of clothing they've got lying around at home.

Since the tips are actionable and can help people look elegant and stylish effortlessly, people are also more likely to check out her course on developing personal style for more value.

Before creating a styling tips video, research the kind of styling tips relevant to your audience. If your audience base is office-going women, they will be looking to style office outfits and not college outfits. So you need to share tips accordingly. Once you've done that, use this styling tips listicle template and add your tips to it. Change the music, and add stock images and a voiceover to complete the video.

Use This Template

5. Create how-to videos

Many people want to develop a personal style but don't know where to begin or how to piece together different accessories and clothes to create one. So, you'll find a lot of searches on how to dress better, how to develop a personal style, etc.,

You can use these search terms to create a recurring series of "How-To" videos for your channel to get an SEO boost , increase the watch time, and grow your engagement.

For example, this series from Alexandra teaches women how to develop a personal style, choose their wardrobe, and keep themselves well-groomed with things they can find at home. Here's a "How to dress better" video from her series. It has more than 5 million views because she goes all in to keep her viewers engaged with exercises and offers simple and effective steps women can take to develop a style that makes them feel good.

To create a " How-To " series like Alexandra, try to understand why your target audience struggles with developing a personal style and looking their best. This research will help you go beyond generic clothing tips, stand out, and attract followers to your channel. For example, in the above video, Alexandra doesn't limit herself to just clothing and gives her followers exercises that will help them dress better overall. Since no other fashion creator does this, it differentiates her from others and gets her videos a lot of engagement.

Once you're done with the brainstorming, write down a script with the points you'll mention and shoot the video. You can also create a cool intro using the InVideo intro template below to introduce yourself. If you want to go one step further and keep your viewers engaged until the end, add transitional slides and B-rolls to break the information into bite-sized pieces.

Use This Template

6. Recreate celebrity outfits

People love emulating celebrity outfits because it's a great way to stay trendy, but often these outfits are very pricey. So, recreating celebrity outfits with pieces of clothing one can easily purchase are one of the best and most popular fashion video ideas.

Check out this video from Ishita, which has garnered many views and engagement as she recreates Kendall Jenner's outfits worth thousands of dollars at a fraction of the cost. She also breaks down the cost of all the clothes and accessories she used to recreate the outfit and links to all of them in the description, making it easy for viewers to purchase them.

To create a video like Ishita easily, modify this InVideo template below for fashion by adding pictures of the original outfit and the outfit you recreated side by side. Then, use the sticker and text options to add the name and price of every piece of clothing you've used for the video. End the video with a CTA to subscribe to your channel.

Use This Template

7. Take your followers thrift shopping

Thrift shopping is growing in popularity as people become more conscious about the environment. But if you've ever been thrift shopping, you know that it's difficult to find a thrift store with a decent collection. So, creating thrift shopping videos showing your followers where they can find hidden gems is a great way to grow your subscriber base if you're into sustainability.

Take a look at this shopping video from Haley, where she drives to different thrift stores in the US. It has clocked more than 1.5 million views as Haley shows her followers exactly where they can buy branded and trendy clothes.

If you want to make a video like Hayley, shoot a vlog covering your shopping trip and add it to this InVideo collage slideshow template which already has transitions and overlay effects that'll help you smoothly transition from one shopping location to the next. Then, add royalty-free music from the library and use stickers and text to show the locations of the shops and finish with a CTA.

Use This Template

8. Post DIYs to upcycle old costumes

Repurposing old costumes into more trendy pieces has recently become popular as a video idea because it helps people create unique pieces while promoting sustainability. So, if you're good with a sewing machine, you should post DIYs on upcycling old costumes to improve your channel rankings.

Here's a video from Fashion Wizardry that shows people how to make a puffy crop top from an old men's shirt. The video covers everything from scratch and includes the measurements for the cuts and the stitch types used. It also has a lot of humor, and the punchlines between transitions keep viewers engaged while also teaching them something valuable.

To make a DIY video, go through the recent trends and do a wardrobe audit to see which pieces of clothing you can upcycle. Then, shoot your video showing the exact steps like in the video above. Once the video is ready, use the InVideo template below, upload your video, add transitions between steps and use text and voiceover to explain the steps clearly. End the video with a CTA that'll urge people to engage with your videos and follow you.

Use This Template

9. Make "Who wore it better" videos

The "Who wore it better" trend has been used so frequently in the last few years that it has become a category by itself and transformed into an evergreen content idea for fashion creators worldwide. So, these types of videos help you get more views, and it's also a great idea to try if you're collaborating with someone on your channel.

Check out this "who wore it better" video from Jen Im in which she collaborates with her husband to style looks with different pieces of clothing. The best part is that Jen has chosen unisex pieces so both men and women can get outfit ideas from this video. The couple also gives styling tips as they explain their outfit and let followers know when they'll wear the outfits, so it has gotten plenty of engagement.

Since you'll be collaborating with another creator for this type of video, modify the InVideo template below to introduce the guest to your followers before getting to the main portion of the video. Then, use transitional slides with videos to easily switch to the next look. End the video with a CTA asking viewers to pick a winner to spark a discussion in the comments.

Use This Template

10. Create review videos

People are still skeptical about making purchases online, so they watch online clothes reviews before buying them. So, posting unbiased review videos help you build credibility and gain popularity as a creator.

Here's a video from Patricia Bright in which she reviews the Ivy Park X Adidas Collection. She reviews every aspect of the clothing, from the material to the comfort and gives an honest opinion about every outfit she has purchased, so her followers take her reviews seriously and look at them before purchasing the clothes.

To create review videos like Patricia, create a great introduction and review clothes based on price, material, comfort, fit, and look. You can also make a "pros and cons" list for each piece of clothing to highlight the best features and the ones that didn't work too well.

If you want to bring out a little personality as Patricia does, use stock media and add sound effects from the library to create a dramatic effect. Once you're satisfied with the video edits, use the outro template below to link to similar reviews and encourage users to subscribe to your channel.

Use This Template

11. Make reaction videos

Reaction videos are popular because they're unscripted and allow viewers to see the genuine reactions of their favorite creators. So, if you're not camera-shy and are very opinionated when it comes to fashion, you'll enjoy making reaction videos. They're also easy to make because you don't have to spend time preparing everything you're going to say.

Here's a videofrom Luke where he reacts to Filipina artist Heart Evangelista's closet tour. He breaks down her choices, shares stories about how she paints on bags and reviews the brands and accessories she uses. Since many people admire Heart and the brands she mentions, the video also got a lot of great reactions from her fans.

If you want to create reaction videos, choose videos or topics that are already popular, so people will be interested in listening to what you've got to say. You can choose a closet tour video like the above example or even react to the fashion in a popular TV series or movie. To make the actual video, you need to create a video overlay with footage from the original video so people can see your reaction to it. Also, create an intro to your channel, so people are prompted to subscribe to your YouTube channel and follow you on other media.

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12. Conduct AMA sessions

AMAs first started on Reddit, but they soon became mainstream as it helped people get to know their favorite creators personally and connect better with them. So, step out from the usual fashion videos you post and conduct AMA sessions to grow your followers and make them more invested in your content by connecting with them.

For inspiration, look at this video from Mina Le, where she answers questions on fashion. The video has gotten a lot of engagement from her followers because her answers are comprehensive and include pictures to explain the point better.

You can create live AMAs or do a pre-recorded session. If you're doing a live AMA session, modify the template below to create a video you can promote on all your channels. And if you're doing a pre-recorded session, use a YouTube post or Instagram question stickers to get suggestions from your followers. Answer all the questions as comprehensively and pack as much value as possible in each answer so people feel compelled to check out more of your content and follow you.

If your AMA is very lengthy, don't forget to use cuts and B-rolls to break the monotony and keep viewers engaged throughout the video.

Use This Template

13. Show followers how to restyle outfits

Despite having plenty of clothes in their wardrobe, everyone has been through the problem of not having anything to wear, and this is where restyling videos help. They teach people how to revamp their style and put together new and trendy looks that'll make them feel good using pieces they already have.

Here's a video of Summer using her existing pieces of clothing to style brand new outfits. Viewers can easily emulate the looks she has styled with existing pieces from anyone's wardrobe, so the video was a hit.

To create a restyling video, modify the slideshow InVideo template below, include outfit pictures and footage that shows how you styled the outfit. Then, add a voiceover and text, and end the video with a CTA encouraging followers to engage with your video.

Use This Template

14. Create content based on follower requests

If you're running out of content ideas for your fashion, you can simply ask your followers to suggest what type of content you should make. The best part is that making these videos will get your channel plenty of views because your followers have already suggested them.

Here's an example of one such video from Safia. She tries out $5 dresses from the Wish website, which is infamously known for selling products at a discounted rate. The video is extremely entertaining as Safiya shows us the exact shopping process and injects some humor while doing so. She also gives viewers an honest opinion about the items she purchased, positioning herself as someone people can go to if they want genuine shopping advice.

If you want to take inspiration from Safia to create videos, then create a cool intro using the InVideo template below to introduce yourself and the channel to your viewers. Then, plan your video , shoot it, and finally edit it to make it look professional and keep it interesting. Here's a template you can use to ease the editing process for yourself:

Use This Template


How to make Fashion Videos for YouTube

We've looked at a long list of YouTube fashion video ideas for your YouTube channel. Now, let's look at how you can bring these ideas to life using InVideo and make engaging long-form content for your YouTube channel without spending hours on editing.

Step 1: Go to InVideo's YouTube Video maker and select the 16:9 aspect ratio to launch the editor.

How To Make Fashion Videos For YouTube - Step 1

Step 2: Search for fashion templates in the search bar and select the desired template by clicking Use This Template.

How To Make Fashion Videos For YouTube - Step 2

Step 3: Once the template has loaded, edit the text by double-clicking on it.

How To Make Fashion Videos For YouTube - Step 3

Step 4: Next, click the Upload Media button, select the media you'd like to upload and drag and drop it into the scene to add it to the video.

How To Make Fashion Videos For YouTube - Step 4

Step 5: Next, replace the music track by clicking the Music tab, selecting a track and choosing Replace Music.

How To Make Fashion Videos For YouTube - Step 5

Step 6: When you're satisfied with the edits, click Download and Share to import the video.

How To Make Fashion Videos For YouTube - Step 6

Now that we've looked at creating videos for your YouTube channel let's take a look at fashion video ideas that will help you create short-form videos for Instagram and TikTok.

Fashion video ideas for Instagram and Tiktok

Both these platforms are super popular with fashion creators and brands alike. Thanks to the nature of the content on Instagram and TikTok, you can generate buzz and engagement with half the effort that goes into making YouTube videos.

So if you're just starting out in the fashion space and don't have the budget or the bandwidth to create longer videos, you can start out with these shorter videos and then move to the bigger fish. But regardless of whether you do or not, both these platforms are crucial to your marketing strategy if you're planning to grow your fashion brand online. Here are a few ideas to help you get started on the journey.


15. Show different ways to style a piece of clothing

Wearing the same clothes can become very boring, but many don't know that a single piece of clothing can be worn in different ways. And apart from keeping people stylish, it also helps them save a lot of money.

So, you can show how a single piece of clothing can be styled and repurposed for different occasions or seasons to get more people to follow you for inspiration and ideas. A great example of a video on this idea is this one by abby_hyland .

In this video, Abby shows how one can style a lace dickey in three ways. The outfits can be styled easily and worn for everyday occasions, and the audio itself highlights the common problem, so it's more likely to stop people from scrolling and engaging with her reel.

If you are thinking of making a similar Reel for your Instagram page , use the InVideo template below to add pictures of the looks you'll style and then head on over to either TikTok or the Instagram app to add trending audio to improve your reach.

Use this template

16. Share outfit ideas

The pandemic put people in a rut of wearing jerseys and sweatpants as they didn't have to go out much. But as the situation is slowly returning to normal, people have started looking for outfit ideas for work, school, and other occasions. So, you can style realistic looks that anyone can put together with a few staples from their wardrobe and compile them into a TikTok video.

For instance, take a look at this TikTok from KL Lifestyle showing simple and trendy outfit ideas for school. The clothes are something every teen has in their closet, so they can easily style similar outfits without wasting time wondering what they should wear to school next.

To create a similar tik tok video, think of a theme upon which you'll base your outfit ideas. Then, put together three or four trendy outfits using essentials like jeans and tops. Click high-quality pictures of the individual pieces and the finished outfits and use the collage template below to add these pictures so viewers know what pieces of clothing go into styling an outfit. You can also use text to add the names of the clothing and the brand you purchased it from, so your followers can purchase similar pieces. Lastly, add trending audio to your TikTok to get more eyeballs on it.

Use this template

17. Do an outfit challenge

Outfit challenge videos are a fun distraction from the regular fashion videos and allow you to test your styling skills. It also gets you lots of views and engagement as it's refreshing, and people like to see new creative twists to the challenge. And the best part is that most challenges encourage you to use the outfits you already have, so there's not much investment involved.

For inspiration, take a look at the "Don't Rush Challenge" video by Kandi Burruss and her friends, where they show themselves without makeup and transition into different outfits to celebrate motherhood. This challenge went viral due to its creative transitions and the wild outfit transformations.

If you want to give outfit challenges a shot, you can pick the most popular one on Instagram or TikTok or ask your followers to give you a challenge. Once you've styled the outfits and shot the video, all you've got to do is add your pictures and videos to an outfit challenge template like the one given below.

Use this template

18. Talk about the fashion trends

Everybody who loves fashion wants to stay updated on the latest trends in the community to style trendy looks quickly and purchase fashionable clothing pieces. So, you can offer your expertise and make a video to tell people about the latest fashion trends.

Here's an Instagram reel from hereskim that showcases Korean spring fashion trends. The simple slideshow video states the different trends and includes pictures of different outfits that follow the trend. It has gotten a lot of engagement from people as the pictures give outfit inspiration to people who follow Korean fashion.

To create a simple slideshow video like Kim, use this InVideo template to talk about what's trending and add pictures of the outfits following the trend. You can also use stickers wherever necessary.

Use This Template

19. Share closet essentials

People love seasonal trends, but they always invest in closet staples like denim to style fashionable outfits every day, as these pieces never go out of fashion. This list of closet staples does change from time to time, so sharing a list of these classic pieces is a great fashion video idea.

For instance, take a look at this video by Erin Busbee , which shows four types of white dresses that are essential for summer. She also mentions in the caption how white dresses have always been a closet staple and why they are more popular than ever now.

You can use the InVideo template given below to create an Instagram reel like Erin quick. All you've got to do is replace the photos with your own video or photo and customize the template with transitions and music.

If you don't want to share generic closet essentials in your video, you can also choose a theme like winter must-haves or workplace essentials to target a more specific audience.

Use this template

20. Get ready with me

Videos showing fashion content creators getting ready are very popular on both Instagram and TikTok as they help viewers visualize the outfits and create inspiration for different outfits. These types of videos are also great for promoting brands without engaging direct-sell, so if you're into affiliate marketing, you should definitely try out a "Get Ready With Me" video.

For inspiration, take a look at Madeleine's GRWM TikTok video, where she gets ready for her birthday party. The video lists all the pieces used to put together an outfit and entertains with light moments, so it has gotten a lot of views.

To create a video like Madeleine, put together an outfit of your choice and talk about their highlights while you do so. Then add these videos to an InVideo template to create an eye-catching video in minutes, along with some text and a voiceover to highlight the best features.

Use this template

21. Share fashion hacks

Fashion hacks are very popular as they allow you to appear trendy without having to spend a lot of money. Here's a TikTok fashion hack that tells you how to style an outfit that looks expensive with the clothing you've got lying around at home. It's popular as it's very practical, and anyone can pull off this look.

The worst part about Instagram and TikTok is that they are flooded with hacks, but only a handful of them really work in real life. So, create a practical fashion hack video that helps users style a fashionable and attractive outfit. Once you've made a list of all the fashion hacks, use an InVideo template like the one given below to create a similar video.

Use this template

22. Jump on a trend

Hopping on a fashion trend improves the reach of your page and increases engagement because you're creating content similar to what millions already like.

Here's an example of a TikTok video done based on a trend where you pick out clothes from your closet that are old, not worn anymore or something you don't want to wear anymore and then style them into an outfit. It encourages people to repurpose their old clothes into something new and fashionable by mixing and matching them with other pieces.

If you also want to benefit from a trend and make a video on it, study the trend carefully and create your own take on it by connecting it to your personality and personal style. And if you need to edit videos quickly, InVideo also has TikTok trend templates like the ones given below that will help you make such videos with trending audio in the background.

Use this template

23. Share wardrobe updates from your favorite brand

Fashion lovers are always curious and excited to see the latest wardrobe updates their favorite brand has to offer. So, you can go to their store and describe their latest products and collections to get fans of the brand to follow your channel and earn a commission from the brand.

Have a look at this video by Aisling Chan on Instagram. She offers her viewers to come to Zara with her through her video and walks them through the store to show them what's new. Zara fans watching the video are definitely bound to buy the outfits and look out for more content from Aisling Chan to watch in the future.

To create a similar video like Aisling, visit the store of your favorite brand or the sponsor's brand in case you are promoting one and take videos of the latest arrivals in the store. You can then use InVideo to edit these videos into one and make an appealing video by adding product descriptions through text and voiceovers .

Use this template

How to make Fashion Videos for Instagram and TikTok

If you want to create compelling short videos, you'll need to ensure that it grabs attention in the first few seconds to get the audience to stay and convert them into followers.

InVideo helps you create and edit short-form videos with templates specifically made for TikTok trends. It also has more than 8M+ stock free media you can access to make engaging short-form video. So, sign up to InVideo and follow the steps below to create engaging videos in just a few minutes.

Step 1: On InVideo's Instagram Video Editor , click the Make a Video button and select the aspect ratio. For videos for Instagram and TikTok, 9:16 is an appropriate aspect ratio.

How To Make Fashion Videos For Instagram And TikTok - Step 1

Step 2: Type fashion on the template search bar and select one that you like. Click Use This Template and start customizing.

How To Make Fashion Videos For Instagram And TikTok - Step 2

Step 3: To customize the text, double click on the template's text and replace it.

How To Make Fashion Videos For Instagram And TikTok - Step 3

Step 4: From the upload section, first select Upload Media, then upload your required image or video. By dragging and dropping the image on the template, you can replace the template's media.

How To Make Fashion Videos For Instagram And TikTok - Step 4

Step 5: By clicking on the Music section, you can also add your desired background music.

How To Make Fashion Videos For Instagram And TikTok - Step 5

Step 6: After completing all the steps, click on Download and Share option. You can then export the video and download it.

How To Make Fashion Videos For Instagram And TikTok - Step 6


Wrapping Up

If you're in the fashion space, whether as a brand or a creator, you're leaving money and views on the table if you're not focusing on creating videos. Understandably, coming up with fashion video ideas every day can get tedious and overwhelming. Still, without doing that, you cannot even begin to compete with the more prominent players in the market. Hopefully, the video ideas we've shared will help you in your journey of growing your fashion brand. But remember, organic videos aren't the only type of content that can get you results. You can also look at Facebook fashion video ad strategies and look at eCommerce ad strategies if you're selling clothing items or merch on your profiles.

And if you prefer learning via videos, you should check out our YouTube channel, where we share daily video creation tips and tricks, the latest video trends and ideas, and help you make more money as a video creator.

This post was written by Mrignayni and edited by Adete from Team InVideo


Source: https://invideo.io/blog/fashion-video-ideas/

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